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Alexandr Korol
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Page 447

Post by Alexandr Korol »

occupy a very important point. It is as if something from above influences you anyway, but you are also the top for someone and you influence something be- low you. It’s all very strange. And I’m working on it. When I wrote that, I wanted to surround myself as much as possible with everything that would take me into the “cosmos”. Of course, I stopped later, because this “cosmos” does not let me go up today. And that’s what I’m testing now. We are now in a “dance” with this matrix. Only I do not understand if it is leading me or I am leading it, or we are doing it together somehow, or when who gives way to whom, when it steps. And so I want you to remember and sober up. There was a time when you had a clear sense of time; you had a clear understanding of how many days had passed, a week had passed, there were things to do and so on. And it was as if everything was at the same kind of pace. And then something happened. And that “some- thing happened” is when I started to activate myself, to wake up, when I watched the film “Hypnotic”, then “The Lawnmower Man”, when I took away some small elements that grounded me and started to watch these films that turned me on. And then the peak of the turning point was when I had a music speaker and time slowed down or accelerated. And everything started to flow from there. And as if it was only yesterday or the day before yesterday that everything started to cool down, these journeys through all these worlds, I got into this labyrinth.

You should already understand that the “corridor” is about waking up, waking up at all. This is the awareness of yourself, the realisation of giving an account of where you live. Every time you remind yourself, every time you give an account of where you live and how everything is organised, you make yourself more spiritual and you awaken faith. Then the matrix system, nature, is more on your side because you realise it. So as long as you believe and realise that you are in the matrix and that you are a small matrix in it, and as long as you know this, this technical history that I am writing to you, this is what brings you closer to Nature and you are safe. If you forget it and get involved in everyday life, relationships, tasty food, sweets, or meaningless conflicts with your friends, then it immerses your consciousness in virtual reality so that you start to believe in it and forget that it is virtual reality. So you become hostage to all these everyday things and it’s like you fall asleep, it’s like you lose your consciousness. So you become a slave to the system. And you just have to be there as a guest, and you