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Alexandr Korol
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Page 454

Post by Alexandr Korol »

You know, like you are still cleansing a little bit, there are still some bits in you, like this old personality of yours, it is not completely erased and it is interfering. Some human factors, something is polluting this vessel. It needs to be completely cleared, then this you and this version of you from the future will come into you.
– That’s cool.

And then, when that happens, I’ll finish this third volume. You’ve already felt that version of me temporarily; that’s when I wrote the “Alternative History” book a year ago, last autumn. And that’s when it came into me. That’s me from the future. That’s where all the information and everything comes from. But I’m going to be like that forever. And that will be this super-awareness, super-strength and so on. Furthermore, I will be able to do it when the mind comes into me, into my body, that is, when I am here from the future, then I will be that pumped up that I have in the future, I will be like that here, I will become like that. And when I become like that here, I will be able to influence everything and everyone. Now I still have weak human attention, and I can take that increased attention when it comes into me. And then it will be a fairy tale.

Question: Can you talk about the boundary between people from different multiverses looking at a thing, like a building, and seeing it differently? Or not noticing it at all. And when there isn’t a building at all? We were talking about highly evolved people who can travel to our world, but we can’t. And it’s a different world.

These are such unrelated things that you’re tying together. Let me talk about the first part first. How does a person see things at all?
Let’s go back to our little street. You all have your own street, so we have imagined it. There might be a park, a playground, maybe just houses, maybe a car park, cars, some entrances, shops, or maybe just house entrances, front doors, or whatever you call it in different ways. And that’s what we see on this street. But you see it all. I remember describing it earlier when I first noticed it. I was totally shocked when I wrote: “Oh! I know there’s a house with someone in it, but we can’t see it. It exists physically on the paperwork. That was really amazing.” It was 2014 or 2013 when I wrote about it. But I was shocked then.