lectual genius. Not the one who is in the Spirit, but the one who is intellectual in the mind. That’s why I like this multiverse. But there you get back pain and neck pain. Or you get dumber, but you don’t have any pain. It’s a paradox. So how do you choose?
Of course, everyone already has their own values, so someone will say that health is more valuable. But it seems so to you, and someone will say, “To hell with health”. You may be healthy, but the world will be boring for you. I mean, there are other versions. Or you will be interested, but your health will be lame, but your life will be full and interesting, incredible. And it happens a lot in history. Or the other way round, you are super healthy, but you are a fool and your life is monotonous, you sit, eat and sleep. Which is better? And probably the one who eats and sleeps and is healthy – he is still living like that because he does not know other versions or options. If he knew other options, he would give up his health, believe me. That’s the paradox.
I’ll give you another example. Now I am in a place... Let’s not call it a multiverse, let’s call it a frequency, it’s easier. Now I am in such a frequency that I am an intellectual and I can calculate and analyse everything as an analyst. I can interact with material people in society, not only in society but also in good natural matrices and worlds, and I can answer your questions. But there are consequences. One is that I cannot be in the mind, which was the case a year ago when I wrote “Alternative History”, the first and second volumes. So I can’t be in the Spirit. And the second thing is that, as a human being, I get tired. And if I do something wrong, I can get sick. So I feel this human, physical sensation of the body. Figuratively speaking, if you walk, you get a blister on your foot. If you sit for a long time, your neck hurts, and that is my sacrifice. I sacrifice it.