Page 471

Alexandr Korol
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Page 471

Post by Alexandr Korol »

Mystic-Old-Man: No, it will come to nothing. It will sharpen the attention of that 70%. It may increase dramatically, but it won’t go over 80%, so the loss will be somewhere around 10% in the opposite direction.
Alexandr: Oh, how. That’s good news. And these other 70% that are free, do they have one big single source or many different ones? What are they connected to?
Mystic-Old-Man: The thing is, they’re kind of united outside of independence, whether they know it or not. They unite in a so-called group of free people who are somehow not subject to anything. They will always and everywhere protest. That’s their law.
Alexandr: And here’s this 30% that is now being captured by a third party. This 30% has grown so dramatically in the last 10 to 15 years because of social media?
Mystic-Old-Man: I can probably tell you what year this process started: since 1976. And now it has reached its limit of 30%. And from now on, 10% of that 30% will dissolve, and very quickly. Only the loss will be because of the Inter- net, because of the fact that the networks are gaining momentum. It will be because of the networks.
Alexandr: And these 10% that will be captured and released – are they CIS countries?
Mystic-Old-Man: It is all over. But what’s interesting is that those 10% are going to pull back, culturally, and take over those 70%. They’re going to take the lead because they’re going back to square one. It’s the effect of the prodigal son returning. It is quite a powerful thing.
Alexandr: So it turns out that when that 10% comes back, that 70% plus 10%, they’re going to move the world.
Mystic-Old-Man: Yeah, they’re going to take the lead among these people who have been, have continued to be in this cultural code, and they’re going to aggravate them more.
Alexandr: Yeah, will it stay the same or grow in the next 10-20-30 years? Or will it decrease?
Mystic-Old-Man: No, it’s going to fluctuate for 30 years, then it’s going to go down a little bit, then it’s going to go up again.
Alexandr: But the peak of the 10% drop is this year?
Mystic-Old-Man: No, 2025.
Alexandr: Okay. Do I have something to do with that or nothing to do with me?