Mystic-Old-Man: Well look, I told you not to miss 2025 because in 2025 you can do whatever you want and it’s going to be very positive.
Alexandr: All right. I will shout about my discoveries to the whole world.
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, yes, that’s realistic.
Alexandr: As for Thailand, will it fall under this influence in the future, negative influence like South Korea or not?
Mystic-Old-Man: Alex, yes it will. It will come into it.
Alexandr: And when?
Mystic-Old-Man: And actually this trend has already started. Women who marry foreigners leave Thailand. And they send money to their relatives in Thai- land. That’s the kind of belief they have there. So it’s such a tricky thing that ....
Alexandr: And these actions also influence the destruction of the country?
Mystic-Old-Man: Yes, of course. Do you think people from the West won’t emigrate to Russia? Of course they will! They will come here, depending on who has what. They will come here to produce everything they have accumulated in Europe. America doesn’t need them personally, absolutely.
Alexandr: Okay, so the question is this 30%. Is their source a person physically? Are these 30% connected to something? Those who are captured by attention.
Mystic-Old-Man: Alex, there’s a lot of attention that goes into everything, either attention or observation.
Alexandr: Well, this 30% – can you call it the Antichrist or the Beast, as it is written in religious scriptures?
Mystic-Old-Man: The fact that it’s captured that way – yes, you can.
Alexandr: Okay, how do you win? Is there a way?
Mystic-Old-Man: That’s an interesting question you ask.
Alexandr: Well, I just fight this power.
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, look, if you affect the blood of, let’s say, women in labour, then yes.
Alexandr: If I affect the blood of a woman in labour?
Mystic-Old-Man: The women in labour are the ones who have to give birth. If you influence them, yes, definitely.
Alexandr: So I just have to think of them all?
Mystic-Old-Man: In principle, yes. It will be enough. Blood has so much more space than time. But here, if you think about it that way, there will be a clear trend in that direction.