Mother of God, a good system is not contaminated by society. And it’s just that here is our social-material world where we have to learn everything. And may- be that’s what society is for, to know good and evil, that even in society there is good and evil. But the point is that we live in this matrix, but some people sometimes come into contact with something beyond. The Beyond is that which is outside Mother of God, so it means something above her. For some reason, what is above her is considered spirituality. Although in reality it is the future age. That is why everyone is striving for spirituality. Why do billions of people unconsciously say they want to become spiritual, or why does everybody go to spirituality? Because spirituality is in the understanding of the people of the society, for the people of the matrix, the Mother of God, the system, spirituality is something that is forbidden somewhere out there. And so it is. That until you grow up to God, to the matrix of God, you live in the matrix of the “Mother”, the Mother of God. The matrix of the Mother of God is the old matrix; you live in it and it is the material world. And the future is spirituality. Although this spirituality is the same matrix, it is just the next level. The old is material and the new is spiritual. And it turns out that when the matrix, this spiritual matrix from the future comes into our present, it is something supernatural for us, and it is wow, and we call it spirituality. And the matrix that we live in is the Mother of God. But someone is going into the “cosmos” and plugging into something beyond the Mother of God. Something above her that created her. And that is the next matrix, that is God.
I still don’t understand whether there is an Ouroboros or not. You see, Mystic-Old-Man said it’s the first time I’m here. That is, before, when all this was happening, what is happening now is still repeating, this change of era. And it turns out that I wasn’t there the last time. It was sort of the same, but there was another one. And now it’s my time. But it’s the same pattern. If we believe the words of the Mystic-Old-Man and refer to them, it means that what I have there in Karelia means that there is in the future, or rather not in the future, but in the past of some other ancient civilisation. That once there was a time like now, and there was a guy like me who built something in Karelia, and then it was destroyed, millions, billions of years passed, and now everything is repeating again, everything is in the same place, only the cover has changed a little. It was not called Karelia then, it was called something else, and now it is called Kare-