lia. I will build something again in the same place where he had something built before, right in the place of the ruins. Just as another Peter the Great once built a city in the place of St Petersburg, and that city was all drowned and destroyed. Then it is the same as a reincarnation, only not a reincarnation, but a new ver- sion, the same Peter the Great who found this city and started to rebuild it, so for someone like me, only in that era. Do you understand what we are talking about? And it turns out that when you think about it like that, there is no time loop. It turns out that there is just a platform where we are, and there were civili- sations on that platform, just as there are now. Then something happened in the world, it all collapsed and everyone went somewhere further away and moved on. A new civilisation was born in these ruins. Same every time. A civilisation was created, then it collapsed. Created, then collapsed. But those who were at the peak of that civilisation, someone who was mature – they went somewhere further into the new era, and it all got washed up here. That’s why we find Egyptian things, Mayan pyramids and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. There were some ancient civilisations that knew that there was somebody at the top who knew all these secrets; everything was talked about, and then they all disappeared some- where, and it was all just left as ruins. And so it turns out that after us, we might be left with what? Ruins. In some parts of the planet temples will be preserved, like the Egyptian pyramids and all the other skyscrapers – everything will be wiped out and washed away and everything will start again from scratch; even dinosaurs will exist for a while and then everything will freeze. And those of us, let’s say, who have gone to a new system, to the future, before this apocalypse, when we go there, everything here will be wiped out, and we will come back from there to grow people here. We may even plant some of them here and grow them here. And they will grow; we will invent religions for them, and something will be adapted. And it will all follow the same pattern. And we will be gods to them. Then these people will grow up, someone will be ready to take our place, they will come to us to take our place, and everything will be erased and they will grow again. So there is such a version, but it is not the final version; it is one of the options, you might think. It’s not a statement. It’s an assumption. If it’s true, it’s like this.
But there’s another version. The time loop, the ouroboros. That everything is a circle. And that everything repeats itself. And that simply because of the great