a person is the strongest factor that can either silence you or activate you. They’re like a stone, like a crystal, without realising it, in which light is simply refracted, and this matrix, their lens, starts to reflect in you, let’s say. That’s how it works. And you can meet a person who is just a silencer. And everybody who communicates with them has their heart switched off. And you can meet a person who is the opposite of another person, where the heart is always on.
Now this is the interesting thing I’m leading you towards. I don’t know how you’re going to do it. You all have your own individual lives. But this is how I like to collect, and I’ve told you to collect artefacts, coins, pebbles, twigs, herbarium, whatever you collect. What is one of the things to look for now? You should somehow learn to identify which people make your heart go cold and your mind turn on, and which people make your heart turn on and your mind turns off. And keep that list and note it for yourself now. It is necessary to start noticing. It’s very important. Curiously enough, I was there drawing an illustration for the book. I’d drawn a lot of them, but it was just a rough draft. And there I was telling you, after the second volume, that people are extensions of something and transmitters, that something comes from them. Just as you are also a transmitter, because you are also connected to someone or something, and from you it is transmitted to someone else. And who is a transmitter to whom is another question, because here it is a question of who is higher and who is lower. And it turns out that perhaps you can be connected to Source 5, for example. And you are connected to it, you know, as actually, as it has already turned out, that the system, it, why do you not see what it is? And it is people. So you are only connected to world 5 because you have people from world 5. And as long as you have them, you yourself are in world 5. You yourself are the source of that frequency. That’s the trick. And here you are, let’s say, connected to this frequency 5. And if you meet me, let’s say, and I’m connected to frequency 10 and I’m a transmitter, somebody can stand even higher behind that frequency 10 and the light from me can hit you more. It can also go through you to the people around you. I mean not physically but connected to you.
And it turns out that you were being broadcast to you by the people on frequency 5, and then I appeared and interrupted their wave. And my wave began to envelop you. That’s how it can happen. And if I am weak, of frequency 3, and I have met you, then on the contrary, from all your people, all their contagions