Page 138

Alexandr Korol
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Page 138

Post by Alexandr Korol »

So, aliens, can it suddenly be that they want to do something evil? No, this cannot be. Why? Just because! I just told you the story, and I will continue to decipher the whole world how it works. About the Bible, Freemasonry, and everything in general, and the knowledge that they gave me, and how we look at history from a different point of view. First of all, “They” have always been. If “They” wanted to, they would have eaten everyone long ago. This is the first thing. Second, they created everything. And third, they can destroy everything. And “They” have the right to do whatever they want; they are the creators, you know? And the principles that drive them are not the same as those of people. Everything is different there. It’s nature. And maybe one day, we will understand much more about how the aliens function? But I know people, and I know what drives them. I know what killers, maniacs, pedophiles, and cannibals they are. I know what frequency they are connected to. I know how it all works. And I’m on the frequency where everyone is just happy, and everyone has good luck. And there is not a single percent of evil there. There are no bad human qualities on this frequency; on the contrary, where there are aliens, there is only faith and love. This is God. You must understand that your mind is very primitive. It is arranged in such a way that associations, references, and stereotypes immediately arise, and therefore, ninety-nine percent of people will consider the aliens as enemies, thinking that they will want to capture us and kill us, and this is bad. And if you try to explain to people that aliens are angels, holy people with halos, that is, God. They don’t want to hear it. But this is God.

OK then, let’s not use the word “aliens” since you have such associations. It’s about God. How can He be bad if He created all this? Why should He take what is already His? Why would Steve Jobs steal his own iPhone? Well, think about it? Why should I steal my own book? I created it. Are you with me? Therefore, they can’t be bad.

That’s first. Secondly, I always had a vision of a beautiful world. It was inside me. And they are leading me to it. The world is terrible, and I grew up in it. Are you with me? Therefore, what is behind these claims against aliens? These aliens, for those who somehow believe in them, “They” save you. They take care of you. Only those who believe in them and hear them. They don’t hear