Mystic-old man: Well, actually, there is a positive scenario there; the dynamics are good. But it is just a positive dynamic; you might turn this place upside down, so nothing really.
Assistant: Is there something material? Something one can touch?
Mystic-old man: No-no, there is something else.
Assistant: Ah, so it cannot be found?
Mystic-old man: I answered your question; you are asking the same question now. I already told you.
Assistant: OK. I am looking at the second spot, then. Same question – is there anything here?
Mystic-old man: This second place, I can tell you that you will find something interesting there for yourself.
Assistant: This is something material, isn’t it?
Mystic-old man: I already answered that question.
Assistant: OK, what size is it?
Mystic-old man: Well, natural size, it starts with it, yes.
Assistant: Well, is it like the size of the phone or a large car, for example?
Mystic-old man: No, it is approximately three by three meters.
Assistant: OK, is it deep, or is it under the water?
Mystic-old man: Under the water.