Page 18

Alexandr Korol
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Page 18

Post by Alexandr Korol »

Some people pass all levels of the frequency of the mind, which is the material world. Others know all levels of the world of the heart. Both frequencies are the worlds of people. The frequency of the Spirit is a separate world. There are also levels and people who belong to the world of the Spirit. I call the habitants of that world “entities.” These “entities” are very different from one another. The Spirit can enter any person anytime to perform some act or convey a message. It doesn’t mean a person is chosen or holy. And there is a new discovery and explanation I came upon. The Spirit doesn’t enter me because I evolved somehow. No, it was always in me. I told before that I was open from the day I was born and can’t shut down. It was always interesting how people who had divine experiences could easily lose the feeling and sink into society. For me, it is impossible. The same goes for the people-entities I met all over the world. Society can’t get them as if their values are higher than those of ordinary people. Most entities I met were uneducated or intelligent, and some were not adapted to the material world. But I know what it is now. The world of the Spirit has frequencies like the worlds of the mind and the heart. There is a hierarchy of angels in the world of the Spirit. The entity of the lowest level doesn’t comprehend what she is, but her soul, the lens inside, is at a level that is higher than regular people. The structure of levels of every world is the same. The person in the hierarchy of angels must pass all levels of that world from the beginning to advanced. Same as in the spiritual world, which is the heart. The word of the Spirit is a separate world, an alternative history. It also has a hierarchy, which is a hierarchy of angels. In the hierarchy of angels, a person who passes all levels of people is learning how to be an angel. The Spirit and nature guide and rule him on his journey. The more advanced the angel is, the more advanced his soul-lens and his matrix. The more advanced the matrix of an angel is, the more God shines through him. As you advance as an angel, the better angel you become so the Spirit will reveal Himself more vividly. There are different stages of development in the world of angels, and I went through all of them individually. I passed the entire stairway and came to the point of the unity of the Trinity. I am very curious to see what is next. It has been a fantastic and marvelous journey so far.
I realized why I had never met the tops of the current secret societies. I guess that they all, including the Queen of Great Britain, knew that this time was coming or had already come. They knew that someone like me would come.